• olympiad@cscacademy.org
Class-7th (Science) Olympiad | CANSO

Class-7th (Science) Olympiad - CANSO

Nutrition in Plants: Process of nutrition, different types of plant nutrients

Natural Resources and their Conservation: Natural resources, conservation efforts

Nutrition in Animals: Process of nutrition, different types of nutrients, process of nutrition among different organisms

Fiber to Fabric: Process of making fiber to fabric, different methods involved, types of fiber and their application

Heat: Heat, concept of temperature, thermometer, types of thermometer, thermal expansion, modes of heat transfer, thermal conductivity and insulators

Acids, Bases and Salts: Basic concepts of acid, base and salt, naturally occurring acids, bases, and salt, basic idea of acid, base indicators and pH scale

Physical and Chemical changes: Physical changes, chemical changes, examples of both physical and chemical changes, chemical reactions

Changes in Weather and Climate: Difference in weather, climate and season

Soil: Soil Horizon, Soil types, Vegetation at different sites

Respiration in Organisms: Respiration process,

Circulation and Excretion: Reproduction in Plants; Motion and Time; Electric Current and its effect; Light; Logical Thinking: Verbal Thinking, Non Verbal Thinking;